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© KYODOJapan urges restraint as Israel begins ground operation in Lebanon
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Japan urges “restraint”
As the Israelis restrained themselves in Gaza,
blowing sheltering civilians apart ?
Tim Sullivan
I'm sure "serious concern" is going to stop Netanyahu. He doesn't even care what the US thinks -- he just went ahead with the invasion anyway.
Mr Kipling
Japan just parroting the US as always.
Fixed the typo.
The killing will stop once Hizballah and Hamas are destroyed, to the point that they can no longer fire rockets into Israel or murder, rape and kidnap hundreds of kids at music festivals.
Now urging restraint while not uttering a peep during the decades of Israeli suppression, aggression and violence against Palestine citizens give me a break.
I don't see how Netanyahu's killing of Palestinian and Lebanese children will bring peace to his people in the long run. I only see things getting worse for Israel at this pace. I pray I'm wrong.
Dango bong
Iran backed terrorist groups must be extinguished. It is about time..
Dango bong
People forget how this conflict started....
Israel is a terrorist state.
Dango bong
One side has hostages they stole in an invasion. Who are the terrorists?
Sh1mon M4sada
meh no brainer, all sides should excercise restraint. Now why has Japan not urged a terrorist organisation to also excercisecrestraint. Brain damage!
Hello Kitty 321
@Dango bongo
Israel has a lot more Palestinian hostages, in jail without a trial, and has done ever since Nakba, so by your reasoning, yes, Israel is the terrorist.
Dango bong, the country that holds the most hostages in that part of the world is Israel. Most of the hostages are Palastinians from the Israeli occupied territories, the West Bank. I should point out in case you don't know that this did not start a year ago on October 7th. That action was a reaction to an extremely long siege.
Does anyone seriously think Netanyahu does this without American approval? Who do you think finances it and supplies the weapons?
Like Netanyahu and his war criminal buddies in the iDF are murdering raping and killing kids in Gaza??
last count the war criminals in Israel have about 10000 Palestinian hostages including women and children who are also being tortured …hmmm
The region will never have peace until the genocidal and terrorist regime of Israel disappears. Zionism has proven to be as bad as nazism. Jews can live wherever they want, just like the rest of us. But nothing gives a group of people the moral superiority just because an old book filled with fiction says so.
Can we all just get along?
Taking a page from the Tony Blinken School of Diplomacy. Well done young Padawan Japan.
How about condemning the invasion of a sovereign country based on the UN Charter?
Yeah, because Israel TOTALLY listens to other countries requests when they conduct military operations. This the definitive cry-bully nation of the world with America running as their security guard. They'd get us all killed and still play the victim.
The UN Charter doesn't protect you if you are hosting terrorists lobbing missiles and other activities.
Without escaping the fact, sometimes a ground invasion of neighbour is not actually an invading... here it is.
Think about the double speak/standards and forked tongues.
This is a non-UN authorized action, which is an invasion of a neighbour.
I'd like to hear Japanese politicians shouting that religious beliefs are stupid. We don't hear that from western leaders, and I'm waiting for someone to step up.
A big joy for me when I moved to Japan in 1980 was the lack of religious belief. Many customs for sure, but not belief.
Around Israel, we have countries that are governed by, to me, religious nutcases. And Israel itself has a strong element of similar nutcases. Meanwhile, in all countries there, most people simply want to live a good life with hope for their families.
Maybe God will come along one day and sort it all out. Meanwhile...
(Sorry, but current news is depressing.)
Israel openly defiant of and acts against US directives, what can Japan urgings do