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© Thomson Reuters 2024.In CNN interview, Harris vows tougher approach on migration, supports weapons for Israel
By Andrea Shalal, Steve Holland and Stephanie Kelly SAVANNAH, Georgia/WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
marc laden
Yes yes yes ..
She was and she is the best vice president in the human history .... Her IQ is much higher than Einstein... Her general knowledge is ( watch her videos for the last four years...
She may switch her VP with Trump... If she wins..
Trust me .Biden will be killedd ( but looked like a natural death) in the middle of October.... ( that is the way they are going to change the election out come ..
Bob Pns
Her swing to the center is great. If she keeps going this way she’s got my vote
Alfie Noakes
The US edges ever closer to one-party, corporate fascist genocidal state.
IF the US public vote her in they’ll deserve what they get.
Same for trump.
Concerned Citizen
Puff piece. Media left wing bias on full display here.
Trump is unserious when it comes to immigration. He doesn’t have any interest in fixing the issue because then he couldn’t use it as a club against the Democrats with the people too stupid to fact check what he is saying.
If they did fact check they’d find that illegal entrances spiked under trump, between Obama and Biden, and that he blocked the most meaningful border legislation in decades so that he could campaign on it. Again to the to the morons too stupid to fact check him.
Bob Pns
Care to explain how?
Brian Trout
Republicans are sent in a tizzy, muttering and swearing, whenever Harris agrees with them.
It’s all a sport to them: our team against yours.
All for the benefit of wealthy elites profiting off of division.
Bob Pns
I’ve never understood this argument. We live in a Democracy, it’s a good thing if politicians are trying to appeal to the policies the majority of Americans agree with so long as they don’t flip on them after election. I want you to pander to me.
I want you to pander to me.
God help us.
Meanwhile Kamarla signs off on billions$$$ in weapons to Israel.
She flip and flopped more than the brand that has that trademark name. 3 years steadfast on the most aggressive anti-American policies and now interestingly she now supports policies that are very Trump-like…hmmm…
Bob Pns
What is wrong with what I said? You do realize that in a Democracy politicians are supposed to represent the will of the people, right?
The same as the last four years? A rocketing stock market and record low unemployment?
Shes not the one stupid enough to publicly muse about a moat filled with snakes and alligators.
Did Mexico start paying for Trump’s pointless wall yet?
But she needs someone to hold her hand in an interview, the Presidential would think as the presumptive leader, you can do this alone, and being pre-taped doesn't help instill a lot of confidence.
Anybody but the megalomaniac dictator!
She has evolved in her views.
I'd say if you and JD Vance can go from thinking of Trump as totally unfit for office to being the greatest president in the history of the universe, Harris can modify her policy ideas in a common sense way.
I see, so it’s just her policies that have changed ahead of the election.
No she doesn't.
She tell her congressional golmers to can a bi-partisan bill jointly negotiated because it would solve the problem and deny her an issue?
No, that was Don the cognitively disadvantaged sociopath.
Trump's border wall is just a stupid use of money. I will block any funding for it.
-Kamala 4/21/17
But now she is all in on building the wall.
Again, no one believes this charlatan
Classic Trump. In interviews when asked about his policies he defaults just to MAGA. He has yet to define what era of American greatness he wants to return to.
Guess we will just have to go with the abundant evidence in Project 2025. It is chilling.
Really now?
But Trump has never flipped on the issue that matters most to Americans and those are the economy and the border, EVs and fracking, now you libs can fight and flip and flop on this, but thankfully for the magic of video and time, we can see how deeply invested and heels dug in and how defiant she is on these issues.
Trump frequently holds press conferences and offers interviews to conservative news outlets. He often uses them to criticize Harris and Biden rather than discuss his own policy aims in detail.
"Sir, on your watch the economy was the strongest in the history of the universe and crime was virtually nonexistent. How do you manage to single-handedly steer our country toward unparalleled greatness and still manage to hit a hole in one multiple times per week?"
Cards fan
She's a licensed attorney and the former Attorney General of California.
Trump on the other hand bankrupted multiple casinos, and only got to where he's at in life because of his family name.
Yeah, I know the real intellectual child is.
Cool. Somebody on X has an opinion.
Which he has been. If he goes to liberal interviewers, they want to talk about J6 and his personality, which helps no one.
Changing the way libs like to do with "gender" won't save or help Kamala, that's a fact.
Her words, she said them, the source doesn't matter. Relax, take it in, and just let it happen.
Worst VP in history 2 months ago. Hasn’t changed a bit.
but her policies have changed. So was she lying then or lying now?
Peter Neil
did trump's cult ( the "basement dwellers" and poorly educated that he said he loves. the ones he says he doesn't care about, he only wants your vote) forget that both obama and biden deported more people than during trump's playtime as president?
or trump's barely comprehensible ideas would add almost $6 trillion to the debt?
why didn't trump accomplish anything during his playtime as president?
he hasn't changed. he's a dysfunctional child. the people at his rallies look straight out of the movie "deliverance."
Bob Pns
Policies and values can exist independent of one another.
Some dude
Isn't the willingness to change policy a sign of flexibility and adapting to circumstance?
Or do Americans prefer a politician who sets out a platform and never deviates from it by a nanometer?
(Somewhat rhetorical question, I know).
Cards fan
I don't know and I don't care, because character doesn't matter.
The woman has had a disdain for the wall and for anyone that was on the side for pro-borders and pro-wall and now, just like that after 8 years of countless videos and speeches of her raging about the wall, she just woke up two weeks ago and decided, we need to complete the wall and that border security is important to America's sovereignty? Yeah,
Sure, if they are seriously sincere, but overnight?? No, sorry...
I guess Pence only got to do something because Trump's rubes were trying to tear down the government.
The wall won't stop 90% of the drugs and crime you pretend to be concerned about.
Bob Pns
It’s a shame how little respect Pence gets. He saved the country from a coup
bass4funkToday 08:29 am JST
Not just her. Every sentient being disdains his pointless stupid idea that Mexico never paid a cent for.
No wonder his “basement dwellers” love it.
Neither will the front door of your home, but you have one anyway, true?
There was no coup. This is according to the court's legal court filings.
Some dude
The woman has had a disdain for the wall and for anyone that was on the side for pro-borders and pro-wall and now, just like that after 8 years of countless videos and speeches of her raging about the wall, she just woke up two weeks ago and decided, we need to complete the wall and that border security is important to America's sovereignty? Yeah,
Sounds like f she campaigns on that and wins, it would demonstrate political smarts.
After all, it's the results that count, right?
What an idiot she is. Imagine her in negotiations with China, India, Iran, N. Korea, Russia. God save us!
Some dude
Not just her. Every sentient being disdains his pointless stupid idea that Mexico never paid a cent for.
I would be on the floor laughing if the wall was eventually built and Harris convinced Mexico to fund it.
Some dude
What an idiot she is. Imagine her in negotiations with China, India, Iran, N. Korea, Russia. God save us!
She would at least probably not walk away from said negotiations brown-nosing the leaders of said countries. And likely offering to sell them state secrets.
What in the bias news article do we have here? He already had a debate on CNN and sit down interview with multiple leftist interviewers at the NABJ. Kamala was invited but didn't turn up. He constantly talks about his policies.
Yes, wanting secure borders is a stupid far right thing. Ask the Deporter-In-Chief himself.
Deception is not a smart attribute
And then go back to renege on your word? This is exactly why we have Trump, you just made my point for me as to why people are tired of career politicians.
Doesn't matter who pays for it, as long as it's built, but Kamala would never do that, never, she is just outright lying. Biden did the exact same thing to the coal miners, looked them in the eye and promised them that if they voted for him, he would not shut down any coalmines, As soon as he slithered into office, he did just that, he started shutting the mines down. What is the old saying again? Screw me once....
Some dude
Deception is not a smart attribute
"I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it" seems kind of....deceptive, given that he didn't and they didn't.
But then again, you've already decided to vote for him, so you seem down with deception.
If that was supposed to have been some lib gotcha moment, you need to up your game, seriously.
Allow me to help. Here are some things he did.
Come on Bass, your guy flips and flips all the time.
Sometimes he says his golf course is worth $17m and then at other times he says it is worth $500m.
Sometimes he says it is fine to grab women by their genetalia, and sometimes he doesn't.
Sometimes he used to take flights in his friend Jeffrey Epstein's jet, and now he doesn't.
Sometimes he says obviously racist things, and at other times he pretends to be a friend of racial minorities.
And sometimes he'd prefer to electrocuted than eaten by a shark. Actually, he's consistent on that one.
In your expert opinion as a historian, who is the second worst VP in history?
He doesn't have policies, just a stream of consciousness and delusions.
She has already shown to be effective in that with the part she played in the Russian prisoner exchange.
And eminently better than Trump, who lets dictators walk all over him.
She is a phony
As if she's the first politician to ever change a position on an issue.
Bob Pns
What would you call Trump ordering false electors to sign false certificates stating he won the election in their respective states when he knew that wasn’t the case?
Not on the key issues other than when he couldn't get help from a Dem-led congress, then he had to make adjustments, sure.
Ok, but that has nothing to do with policy and?
Wonder how most guys talk in a bar when they are with their guy friends? Algebra?
And the Dems tried and tried and tried to make some sort of connection and they couldn't because if they did, we would have known by now, not like they didn't try.
No, he didn't, the left got mad because he was spot on in his accurate depiction of what some of these people are and it wasn't racist because he wasn't talking about race and let's not forget, his best friend is Black, his kids are Jewish when he entered the White House, he brought in Omarosa who is Black and she was living in the WH, so that rant won't work.
Ok, that's just Trump storytelling, nothing to do with policy.
Megan Thee Stallion
Why? I'm sure she will, but why should she?
What are you talking about?
When Vance has an interview with Trump nobody says this, so more misogyny as usual.
Come on Bass, your guy flips and flips all the time.
Oh, so reproductive health isn't a key issue?
I'm not going to get into the 2020 election banter trap, not on this site at least.
Bob Pns
Fair enough. I know you get dog piled a lot in these comment sections but I appreciate you being here and always being civil.
Some of Trump’s flip flops:
Crypto used to be bad. Now he loves “the crypto”.
TikTok was so evil he wanted it banned. Now he loves”the TikTok”.
EVs used to be awful. Now he loves them because, in his own admission, Elon backs him.
During his time in office, Trump severely cut down on the number of visas offered to educated and skilled foreigners. Now, with the urging of the All In tech bros, he wants to let more in.
Trump once was a proponent of amnesty for non-violent drug offenders. Now he wants the death penalty for all drug dealers.
A few weeks ago, Trump promised to hold a press conference to announce how he voted in Florida’s abortion referendum. That has not happened, and it won’t.
Because it is pure unsubstantiated conspiracy theory nonsense.
As far as top issues of concern for the majority of Americans...
Cost of living/inflation — 53%
Jobs that pay a living wage — 28%
Expanding access to abortion — 19%
And this is according to the age groups between 18-34
I find it difficult to believe that there will be any change.
Under Biden the border, actually, there was no southern border.
It was possible to walk across without being challenged at all.
Megan Thee Stallion
Why? I'm sure she will, but why should she?
But that makes no sense. She is obviously a leader and having the first interview with her VP there means that they can ask him questions as well. Having him present has nothing to do with leadership.
Nobody said that Trump needs to be a leader not a follower when he had an interview with Vance present. Misogyny at its finest.
But that is not even in the top 3 categories of concern for most Americans, try again.
Not a part of a policy, try again.
But he also backs important fracking and Americans should have a choice.
Again, nothing to do with policy.
I agree.
And shouldn't.
The expression ‘evolving’ has been around for ages.
Obama ‘evolved’ on same-sex marriage.
Many Republicans ‘evolved’ from positions on free-trade, an interventionist foreign policy, fiscal conservatism, expectations of moral decency from leaders and other principles before jumping on the MAGA train.
Politics, innit?
You certainly sound like you’ve read half of the material ever written on election strategy.
Oh, so reproductive health isn't a key issue?
OK. So reproductive health is a key issue. Yet Trump has flip-flopped on it.
Peter Neil
he can’t vote in florida. he’s a convicted felon and felons can’t vote until their sentence is completed.
trump is the biggest phony in america.
so are his supporters. he hates the military, but room temperature iq supporters can’t see it, or delude themselves to not seeing it.
the fact that a 5 time draft dodging, 6 time bankrupt (he’s never started a business ever that’s succeeded, they all failed), convicted fraud felon going back years, tax dodging, epstein friend, serial sex assaulted (only exceeded by rfk jr., who’s 1st wife committed suicide after reading his journal of sexual conquests during their marriage), mentally ill narcissist can become president even once shows that the 55 million people in the u.s. with an iq of 85 or less are a danger to society.
Not the main issue, abortion won't get you a job feed your family, or keep the lights on.
The guy that said in 2006 that marriage is between a man and woman then made a speech that he learned to be passionate towards gay relationships since he was a child seeing 2 men kiss.
In that case, you shouldn't be concerned or whine about what any politician says if you think it is all theatre.
OK. So reproductive health is a key issue. Yet Trump has flip-flopped on it.
It will if you can't afford to feed another child.
Or maybe you can just wear protection and not have a child. Hey, now there's a thought right there.
There is a move in both US/UK towards a form of far-left liberal fascism, illiberal in nature, in ideology.
Liberalism and fascism are considered opposites.
Yet Harris/Walz proposal for extreme excessive government regulation interference, state control, restrictions on freedom of speech/expression, the stead removal of US right to bear arms, open corrupt use of the justice system to criminalize opponents, is evidence enough to exercise extreme prejudice at the ballot box.
All hiding behind a socialism/social justice political mask.
Harris and Walz ducking and diving scrutiny, refusing US people/electorate future policy accountability in a live broadcast interview, with independent media interrogation.
Instead cowering behind a arranged edited pre-recorded sham from best friend Bash and a willing toady CNN.
Beware, Harris is an incompetent extremist, that's performance, failure in office has flooded the USA, through it southern borders with undocumented migration, fentanyl/people smugglers, organised crime.
Doubt he cares.
Half of the country doesn't think so.
Yeah, I usually ignore all the lib media rants about those lies, and never seen Trump look at his watch before.
Ok, but people are still voting for him in droves and the people supporting him don't care if that is the lib's playbook to shovel crap they don't like about him, let them, Trump will continue to talk about the issues and the left can talk about Trump hate, that's all they got.
It will if you can't afford to feed another child.
Another thought is some women become pregnant even with contraceptives. Others are raped or victims of incest. In many states denied the morning-after pill.
I been wondering this, How do they calculate illegal immigrants. After passing over the border illegal they go and get register some where ? Or is it just an estimate?
It was a policy proposal that got loads of attention.
Doesn't matter. He flip flopped on EVs.
Restricting visas is not a policy?
The point is not whether you agree or not. He did a 180 on this issue. Try to keep up.
Oh, you think Trump shouldn't keep his promise.
A politician evolving/changing views/flip-flopping doesn’t mean they won’t act upon the position they now hold.
Very much real life for those affected positively or negatively by the policy.
Same goes for voters who evolve/change views/flip-flop and vote accordingly.
Very much real life for those seeking votes.
Ergo, Trump has not flip flopped on it.
NotThe One
LOL! Make it make sense!
Will say whatever, whenever, to whoever to get a vote.
Chameleon like.
No Joy in that.
Just mistrust.
NotThe One
LOL! Make it make sense!
Trump should be in the Olympics along with his MAGA cult for all the mental gymnastics needed to justify Trump's flip flopping.
ABC rejected Kamala's last minute request to use unmuted mics. She is not going to get that I am a strong woman/hear me roar moment unfortunately.
Trump is campaigning on EVs and 15-week abortions. He asks you to buy his new coffee table book.
I can buy this. While I have never been a politician, I have been involved with many things that can get "political" - BoE meetings in US and Japan, work meetings, PTA, 町内会... I have my values that shape the desired outcomes I want. However, what I desire and what I am actually able to accomplish as rarely the same thing. I can alter or give up some desired outcomes without compromising my values as long as the outcome produces benefits for the majority of those affected while not creating harm, or at least minimizing it (maybe I'm too Utilitarian). Sometimes what I want is not what most people want. In that case, I have to either alter my policy and try to get something, anything done or sit in a corner and stew, get left out and accomplish nothing. I would never, however, go for anything that contradicts my values.
I see her statement as an example of strength and leadership. I would rather her say this than say, "I will never, ever compromise or change even if it means nothing gets done."
Gene Hennigh
She's for bringing the two sides together. A republican in her cabinet shows that she's willing to try.
The days of debate and compromise should return. One of the great ingredients that made America great was debate and compromise. This 'all my way' is both idiotic and unAmerican.
I'll vote for her. For the chance that the government will return to being as great as it once was.
Who are the politicians running for high office who don’t do this?
Give us a list.
Also, weren’t the MAGA types complaining that she wasn’t saying anything to anyone by avoiding interviews?
You paint it like she’s everywhere these days.
Harris defends immigration shift; could name Republican to cabinet
Translation: Harris is desperate to get Independent/Republican votes because she knows she’s losing; could name RINO to cabinet
Note: A pre taped, scripted and edited conversation on CNN with a babysitter by her side? This is a TV show, not an interview.
He is above the law. Everyone knows that. He's very special.
And Rock Star Ron has said he'll give Trump special permission.
Bob Fosse
Yesterday maga whining that Harris doesn’t give an interview, doesn’t focus on immigration.
Now maga whining that Harris gave an interview and focused on immigration.
Kamala has "evolved" on several issues....
Trump has MEGA-FLIPPED on his....
How about going from "life begins at conception - and I will defend the unborn" to "I'm OK with killing the unborn up to the 15th week"....and the once strict anti-abortionist came out the other day and said he would "protect women's reproductive rights"....
And then there's that MEGA-FLIP on his new BFF RFK Jr who just a couple months ago was "the nation's worst Liberal Lunatic" to now "someone I like and respect"...
And those now "fantastic" EVs that just last month were all "hoaxes made in China"...
Trump either has zero values and principles or his Alzheimer's is so advanced he can't remember what position he took yesterday...
It's probably both...
I never had that problem, the responsibility should fall to both, been with more than enough women to make sure that doesn't happen.
That is a very different story, that is something that can't be controlled or helped.
NotThe One
Florida only prohibits felons from voting if they were convicted in Florida.
Remember, Trump is a convicted felon in New York!
Florida follows the rules of the state of conviction! New York allows felons to vote after incarceration has ended.
LOL! Trump is a convict!
No, you can say that all day, but I won't argue it and slam your faulty logic because I can't, go on the other social media platforms and we can go at it.
If you think so,
Absolutely false, if they did they would have been charged with that act and they weren't nothing but more baseless lib platitudes.
US voters need not hold any political affiliations beliefs left or right to witness the evidence right in front of there eyes.
Kamala Harris, is an extreme radical, surrounded by a a skilled legion of political advisors/consultants that money can buy to shield her from any media security accountability.
The weaponization of language, misogyny, sexism, racism, when challenged/required to be fully answerable to the people.
Modern fascism 2024 should not ultimately be defined by some far right wing 19/20th century dictatorship government circa 1945.
Harris/Walz "fascist" playbook ignore the "fascist" leanings that you think aren't palatable in order to use what remains to label your political opponents in bad faith.
Trump uses the military for his own aggrandizement. He went to a section of Arlington National Cemetery to shoot a campaign video, which in that section is strictly against the cemetery's rules. When confronted by a staff member, one or more of Trump's goons verbally assaulted the worker and shoved her aside.
Source: US Army
Another thought is some women become pregnant even with contraceptives.
I guess you know men can't get pregnant?
Others are raped or victims of incest. In many states denied the morning-after pill.
Then why do states like yours, Texas ban abortions even for rape and incest? Don't give me your usual reply about how they can go to another state.
Peter Neil
burgers and beersToday 09:57 am JST
trump is the biggest phony in are his supporters. he hates the military, but room temperature iq supporters can’t see it, or delude themselves to not seeing it.
watch a video of a rally.
not a democrat, a conservative.
anyone with half a brain has seen the stench of fraud that envelopes him for a long time.
A bit hysterical.
I haven’t read half of the books ever written on election strategy, but just on the observation of the recent UK election, the leader of the clear front running party was attempting to woo undecided voters and those who traditionally voted for the opposition.
This seems like common sense and not indicative of someone who knew he was losing.
NotThe One
Voters have to decide based on what they know of VP Harris and what they have seen of Frmr. Pres. Trump.
Polls says that the country prefers Kamala Chameleon over DonOLD "The Circus" Trump.
Nothing to do with the economy that's why it wasn't pushed to the top.
But more importantly, he wants and pushes for fracking and fossil fuels, that is all I care about.
Not like the economy, but it is down the chain an important issue and will get pushed to the top once he's back in office.
I do keep up, but unless it is about the economy, inflation and the border, these are not the tiop 3 issues, so I think you are the one that needs to focus and keep up, not that hard.
I never said that, but I care about the economy, the border and inflation, I care more that he keeps his promises about these crucial and very dire everyday important issues.
burgers and beers
And yet almost all of Trump's videos are prerecorded, edited, on a clearly pro biased network, but you aren't describing those as weak sauce.
Because that is what the state decided on. You want to get an abortion, travel to California, it's America, you have the right to get an abortion if you want and go to a state that supports it. Kind of like with Marijuana, in some states it is legal to buy it, and in some, you can't.
I do and will and that is the truth.
Unless it’s Don the con doing the deceiving, right?
Complete sentences, no whining and not one bat feces-crazy conspiracy theory.
It’s nice.
Why is openly challenging questioning Kamal Harris, Tim Walz term sin office, Harris as VP, deemed to be far right misogynistic, sexist, racist?
What has become of/to the "politics of meaning"?
Sorry Kamala, I genuinely misspelt.
And was requested by some of the families of the fallen soldiers to attend.
And yet, they let him come and where were the people that were responsible for these deaths? No Biden and Kamala show? Why? The President and VP usually attend, but this time they were both incognito....odd.
Then, he should not have stood in their way. He had every right to attend.
Source: House Republicans.
When you pre-tape a segment, you can fix all your mistakes.
They let him come and they let him be aware of the rules. No political events and no filming.
Deflection. Trump and his people broke the rules. In a military cemetery.
Who grins and gives a thumbs up in front of a grave? Pathetic.
incognito, lol. Yeah, they showed up wearing Groucho Marx disguises.
She was asking them to comply with the rules. They were breaking the rules. What's so hard to understand about that?
House Republicans don't set the rules at Arlington National Cemetery.
Peter Neil
wow, someone defending trump and his goons actions at arlington cemetery?
it's against the law to use video or photography for political purposes.
Peter Neil
that's the lowest of lows i've ever read here. a new record.
When they question Tim Walz being there, which is a common thing for presidential ticket elections and suggest it's because she couldn't do it alone.
I have never, ever heard anyone make that suggestion before for any other interview where the candidates for President and VP are together in an interview.
Yes, you did.
*--A few weeks ago, Trump promised to hold a press conference to announce how he voted in Florida’s abortion referendum. That has not happened, and it won’t.*
And shouldn't.
He knows the rules and yes, he can film, they always film this event, always, but now they shouldn't? Why Plastic, you expose yourself. lol
The cemetery broke the rules to a former sitting President
Why the President and this VP didn't attend? That is pathetic. They caused this and then they don't show up???
So here is where I am supposed to uhh..laugh? Help me out here..
The WH broke the rules when they did what they did to bring grief to these families.
But they have sway and power.
Thank you, kudos burgers and beers, for acknowledging my opinion, contrary to poplar belief, I am not a jack booting far right harpy, even if I question Kamal Harris political motives.
When you dealing with insecure uneducated right wing White people,that do not think critically,she is already ahead of the curve,as a Black person it amaze me how some White people are clinically ignorant,as a Black person that embrace logic and reason
I went to Bass' archive and counted the "Protect the unborn" posts - more than 30....
So Bass used to be a "life begins a at conception - never surrender" guy...but as this post today shows, he ain't that anymore...
Just like his Orange Oracle, they have abandoned their pro-life principles and "surrendered"...
Trump is now for killing babies until the 15th week and in a complete 180 FLIP says he'll now protect women's reproductive rights...
So what Trump and Bass say is "important to them today", they will complete FLIP-FLOP on tomorrow...
Which just highlights the complete moral emptiness of has nothing to do with principles and values - it's all about the $$$$ grift...
You're flat out wrong.
"Filming or photographing will not be permitted if it conveys the impression that cemetery officials or any visitor or family member is endorsing any product, service or organization. Additionally, ANC will not authorize any filming for partisan, political or fundraising purposes."
No they didn't. What rules did the cemetery break?
You don't know the meaning of the word "incognito". It means to go around in disguise. You think it means to not appear.
These educated White women are not buying Trump lie
A heads up, teaser for tonight's "interview"
‘Next question please’: Kamala Harris responds to question about Trump
Peter Neil
it's the epitome of hypocrisy that maga who wrap themselves in the flag have no respect at all for deceased veterans or their families. they're one baby step away from being traitors.
the woman who was doing her job was intimidated from filing assault charges because of the history of trailer park dwellers making death threats and swatting.
the disgrace is beyond words.
I know I am not wrong.
Ok, so all those years of previous Presidents being filmed, the archives should be deleted or what? Keep trying, Plastic. Lol
They did, as a former President, they can't stop him from attending.
I do, that is why I said it.
As well
As well
There is a good reason, to eliminate any danger that Harris or Walz could verbally part company on an agreed narrative.
Makes sense. Harris has a tendency succumb to, now how shall I put it...........?
I stand corrected
All this “my record speaks for itself” crap.
no it doesn’t or we wouldnt be asking you about it.
Peter Neil
trump used arlington footage for a political ad.
the family of one veteran said they absolutely gave no permission for him to use the deceased member's grave marker.
the utah governor with him did the same thing, then took it down and apologized, acknowledging it was unlawful.
trump is doubling down. he and those defending his unlawful action are a disgrace.
i hope there is significant fallout from this.
Another thought is some women become pregnant even with contraceptives. Others are raped or victims of incest. In many states denied the morning-after pill.
The left always defaults to this when trying to take the smallest minority and paint with a big brush.
One position I have always held is "Do you want more abortion or less rape?" I have yet to hear "less rape" come out of the mouths of those on the left which tells me it's not really about that.
Most all states support abortion in the case of incest.
Lastly, I went to a party in college once and it was truly unfortunate but a rape did take place there. When it was discovered the party was called off and I hung around to help support since I was a neighbor. The police were immediately involved and the victim was given a morning-after-pill.
Only my feeling but if these cases are reported immediately then the issue can be addressed immediately.
You might argue that one might feel uncomfortable coming forward, however in that scenario the child is coming to term and people will notice regardless.
They weren't being filmed for campaign commercials.
They didn't stop him from attending.
You mean that Biden and Harris showed up in disguise.
It doesn't mean that. Better quit now, bass.
This is every bit as dumb as saying “You never argue for less murder” as if that even needs to be said.
And no “many if not most states” do not have exceptions for incest and if they do, the restrictions are so intimidating as to render the exceptions moot.
Thats why we see this in case after case.
And that would apply to Trump and Vance as well. But the commenters that I have seen on Fox and in the comments section here suggest that she needs someone to hold her hand. Highly insulting.
If you are referring to word salad, I think Trump is the master in that department.
Politicians often do not follow though with positions they state before being elected. Should she be elected, I would not be surprised to see Kamala continue just as she has. uso mo houben.
What the . . .
As a former president, Trump has the right to violate the law?
NotThe One
Trump's campaign is literally fighting caretakers at Arlington cemetery where soldiers are buried, so Trump can get a photo op for an Ad campaign.
The same people (soldiers) Trump called suckers and losers; he is trying to put their names and headstones in a video!
Flip flopping 101
Do you think the current President has the right to break the law? Do you think the current President is wrong for not talking and meeting with the parents whose kids were killed based on him not listening to his military advisors?
Is hard to believe that many people cannot see thru this facade.. Harris is an absolute liar, she knows that Trump policies are what the best interest of the USA,( she stealing all from him)but so many will applauded her just because don't want Trump to be in the office..
Hey Harris, what about project 25? Are you onboard? Lol
Yes it is. That is a cut and past from the relevant law.
No, he doesn’t. ESPECIALLY Not a FORMER president.
NotThe One
The alternative username for a JT employee!
I disagree.
Again, I disagree, where were Joe and Kamala?
I have been sent a extended highlight of the "interview" I suspect some "editing" has taken place.
The are segments, indicating Harris is close to a "scatter" jaw, "passage of time" gibberish genie gem.
Bash was on hand to move things along pronto
He isn't, and either way it's a poor defense of what Team Trump did at Arlington.
Biden did meet with these parents. Three years ago.
Regardless, filming a campaign ad at a dead soldier's grave in violation of cemetery rules (and common decency), shoving a cemetery staff member who reminded Team Trump about the law, and then smearing this employee online is despicable.
Not shooting a campaign ad at Arlington.
Hey anti-Israel/Kamala supporters, what you gonna do? lol
How about the woman that wants to end monopolies but just hired Google's main attorney?
Some dude
Regardless, filming a campaign ad at a dead soldier's grave in violation of cemetery rules (and common decency), shoving a cemetery staff member who reminded Team Trump about the law, and then smearing this employee online is despicable.
"Despicable" is the new standard for the MAGA people. The worse Trump behaves, the more they like it (as long as it "triggers the libs"), while their staggering cognitive dissonance lets them attacks "the other" for far more trivial issues.
It's essentially mass sociopathy combined with large scale brainwashing.
Not pandering to a crowd with the Central Park Five and Al Sharpton.
I think it is a very strong defense.
After they were killed, no choice. They don't want him anywhere near them.
I disagree.
And being incognito, not good, not a good look at all.
I read that Condi Rice endorsed Harris today. 'Nuff said, both candidates suck.
Laila Kholoussi
And continue supporting and funding the genocide ... shame, shame, shame.
That is as establishment as it would get.
Most cultists do.
This article doesn't mention the fact that Harris received the questions beforehand.
And of course Trump the candy a wannabe didn’t get involved personally.
Coward that he is, he left that to his goons as per usual.
It's unfortunate that both sides in this election have been bought out by the Zionist lobby.
Now, had Trump done that, they would have gone apoplectic about it.
It was only 18 minutes, edited and no transcript will be released?
Your agreement or lack there of is irrelevant. It’s documented law.
Not using American war dead, or as Trump calls them “suckers and losers” as a campaign prop.
A better question is: “Why was the orange man here this year but neither of the past 2 years?”
And a good follow up would be: “How did he get over his gag-reflex when forced to look at and share space with wounded veterans?”
NotThe One
All this has a familiar ring to it. Trump had documents in his position that he wasn't allowed to have. The mear possession of those documents is a violation of the law. Makes no difference how he got them or what he thought about his "right" to have them. Possession was the violation. Photography or filming in area 60 is a violation of federal law. Makes no difference if he got family permission or not. They can't give permission to violate the law. At an absolute minimum the photographer and film crew should be charged. As soon as trump realizes he has a scapegoat available they will hear the bus warming up.
violating cemetery rules = good
shoving a staff member for trying to enforce rules = good
smearing the staff member online = good
Things are getting curiouser and curiouser.
Sven Asai
Who believes all that? Like in Europe, similarly overwhelmingly existence threatening overrun by mass immigration, they now try to hastily copy a few longtime demands from the more right or conservative parties as phrases in order to win also the next elections. But the hearts and intellectual kernels, if there are rudiments of any, are often irreversibly extreme left wing, which means that after being elected or re-elected, nothing will change for better, in contrary, the situation will even more negatively escalated. The time frame for solving a few of the soon insurmountable problems is closing fast. I wouldn't bet much, that after another 4 lost years still any small chance appears to partly improve the irreversible situation or at least to postpone a bit the complete failing.
After what happened in Afghanistan and the makeup of this bizarre admin, the left can't call anything weird or curious.
Q: Why is Trump meeting with the parents of these "suckers and losers" now?
A: To make a campaign ad.
Which is against the law at Arlington. And it shows what a huckster Trump is.
Exactly, so no need to argue.
Ok, and what does that have to do with Joe and Kamala not appearing to face these parents?
But he is there and why isn't the President that caused this not here? Oh, he's on vacation soaking in the hot sun and eating some ice cream
Is that it? You are trying so hard. You might actually hit something for a win. Lol
Why on earth does she support weapons for Israel? I cannot say she supports genocide as that is considered vulgar and offensive by the moderator, so I will not say she does.
One wonders how quickly things would improve if the US stopped this huge supply of weapons.
one wonders
Trump's team broke the law and went against basic decorum. And you're defending it.
Doesn't matter who calls that weird. It is.
He can't? Why won't Kamala and Joe meet with them?
He did it and now what? ROFL!
Why do they have to? Is it common practice for presidents and VPs to visit the parents of fallen soldiers every year?
Trump's doing it not out of empathy but in order to make a campaign ad and use it against Harris.
So the withdrawal was Joe's idea, he was the one that didn't listen to his senior military officers and took their advice. He is 100% responsible for the deaths of these kids. He should at least man up and meet with the families even if they spit in his face.
Ok, focus, we are talking about Biden who created this mess.
Bob Fosse
You didn’t know he also does it? Oh.
Like every Trump interview.
Because it would be a 90-120 video
Self-awareness is not a MAGA strong point.
Look forward to Harris' being able to fact check in real time Trump's Gish Gallop of falsehoods and whataboutism.
NotThe One
False, Trump just cancelled an interview in Michigan because in the advanced question, they asked him to provide evidence of the crime increasing under Biden.
He could not, so he cancelled the interview!
Oh, but it is, that is why the left get frustrated so much
Oh, yeah, I as well. Trump is going to crush this woman.
He could and did, but they didn't want to run with it, so he just said, screw it, I would have walked away as well, so now they don't this info to come out? Why? Thought the left was impartial.
False, Trump just cancelled an interview in Michigan because in the advanced question, they asked him to provide evidence of the crime increasing under Biden.
He could not, so he cancelled the interview!
Incorrect. He had no evidence.
He did.
He did or are you implying you know what he has on his possession?
And this is driving Trump completely bonkers - more than his usual off-the-scale nuttiness...
The posts yesterday where he made a crude sexual joke about Kamala and Hillary, then one saying Obama should be tried in a military tribunal are proof he's spiraling down into the depths of senility....after eight years, Obama and Hillary still live inside his addled brain...
And he's now openly quoting the QAnon nuts...
If the Repubs want to salvage anything in Nov, they better get Nikki and Marco on the phone ASAP, because the Convict and the Couch Creep are finished...
Just one time? Any follow-ups? phone calls or visits? When did he mention their names? When was the last time?
What a gem to luck up to. They won’t let her interview off the cuff. Leader of the US. what a joke. But we all know peeps behind the scenes are controlling her. Just like Biden. Left will ignore all because “ I dislike Trump “ even if the country continues down the drain( just in today’s news * immigrant group taking over apartment complex ) just let it burn, “ but I dislike Trump “
NotThe One
So now you no what Trump has.
Enlighten everyone Trump insider because that evidence was no where to be found when you and 'Black had no counters to the argument and decided to erase our posts and shutdown the tartile thread!
Try again!
It is not standard practice to do follow-up visits to the families. For any president.
Remember that Trump did not visit every family of every soldier killed during his term.
Bottom line: Trump is just politicizing his visit. And filming the visit for campaign purposes is illegal.
Some dude
Oh, yeah, I as well. Trump is going to crush this woman
You just admitted that you're fine with Trump lying nonstop and trying to basically shout his opponent down.
And "this woman". Subtle. Dehumanise the other party.
I seem to remember an Austrian-born chancellor who was very good at that. Probably someone Trump admires greatly.
I don't need to try, that is what was said, that is why he pulled out.
True, but this was something totally avoidable and Biden was told of the dangers and still pushed to pull the troops, even after hearing there was a suicide bomber amongst the civilians.
Trump did not override his generals in order to get a photo op to look strong geopolitically and Trump didn't leave billions of dollars of US hardware in the hands of our enemies, remember that as well.
No, he didn't, but it did end up helping him, so that's good.
No, it wasn't
Incorrect. He had no evidence.
Because if he did the interview would have gone ahead.
You admit that Trump did not visit every family of every soldier killed during his term. But you're going to rag on Biden for not visiting these particular families multiple times.
Sounds like a double standard to me.
It's not helping him.
It was and it is. Ask the US Army. It's clearly stated.
I disagree, especially he has experience dealing with how these pundits have been treating him.
After what he did, absolutely
Well, if Trump did exactly what Biden did I would get on him as well.
I think it is. When Biden or Harris get the support of our law enforcement the same way they support and endorse Trump then I will digress
I know the rules and NO Federal Law is broken, so this thing will die out very quickly.
The CNN interview.....
Three parts
Bash aught to curl up embarrassment as a journalist, no follow ups, this is a sycophantic Harris campaign ad