Japan Today

browny1 comments

Posted in: Google changes name of Gulf of Mexico to 'Gulf of America' for U.S. users See in context

No big deal because it only references the name for US people.

Everyone else in the world can go on calling it it's historical name which has been in use for over 400 years.

Other cases exist.

Is it the Persian Gulf or Arabian Gulf? Most stick with the historical Persian Gulf.

Is it the Sea of Japan or East Sea? Both names are used outside of the region. I grew up in Australia knowing it as the Sea of Japan.

Point being locals can call it whatever they want, but others don't have to follow.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump announces 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum, risking inflation on promise of more jobs See in context

Blacklabel - thanks for your response.

Yes a perfectly balanced Trade Account is desirable but unachievable.

In the 21st C as manufacturing of needed products has broadened globally, old export - import paradigms are no longer feasible.

USs technical superiority allowed it to produce stuff that the world wanted.

For Example - at the height of US productivity in 1970 imports were 5.2% of GDP and exports 5.6% - a very +ive balance for the US.

Fast forward to 2023 when the world has started to catch up to US tech production, imports were 16% of GDP and exports 11.6%. A turn around of $Billions resulting in a deficit.

Trump wants Made in America but to realize that is going to take more than idle threats and promises.

Getting Apple to manufacture i-phones in the US would require a gigantic shift in scale of operations and result in a product price way beyond the realms of ordinary consumers. Now they sell for between $500 ~ $1,550 depending on models. Make in the US and expect that to be at least 3 fold and possibly more.

100s of other examples abound which show one reason why perfect trade balance just won't be achievable.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

djv124 - observant points to be considered.

There is a lot of info out there re the background to this sad and sorry saga.

The police were beyond negligent for one - even asking her to re-enact the ordeal with a rubber mannequin - but please check out all the details.

Some of us have been following this story form very early on - it's been almost 10 years.

That she has persevered with her challenge to both the perpetrator Yamaguchi and the archaic system and never once acquiesced gives incredible value to her case.

She has been ostracized, black-mailed, scorned, hated on, physically threatened and her family has suffered so much too.

She could have accepted an out of court settlement long ago, probably for big bucks, but she chose to fight what she saw as great injustices - firstly the rape, then all of the stalling, inactions and cover ups.

As an investigative journalist and proud woman she just couldn't see this as another paid off act and swept under the rug.

If you check on YouTube under Shiori Ito FCCJ (Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan) there are many excellent reports. Also on other sites as well.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump announces 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum, risking inflation on promise of more jobs See in context

The seriously flawed nature of Trump's trade imbalance thinking is he expects the US to have a perfect trade balance or surplus with all countries.

That's just not possible in this era of global trading.

Sure there are some country deficits that could be better managed through a number of means including more cooperative methods, but a blanket Them vs US tariff plan is so simplistic in it's reckoning as to be an embarrassment.

US profited with trade imbalances in it's favor for decades allowing it grow strong and establish economic dominion over a wide domain.

Now other countries, especially developing, are following suit it's bad, it's nasty, it's unfair, it's intolerable.

No country can achieve supreme trade surpluses from the world and any inkling to do so is doomed to failure.

Particularly when you're screwing your long time close friends.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: 54-year-old woman arrested after body of 91-year-old father found at home See in context

MarkX - agree.

We don't know full details, but deteriorating mental health can cause great confusion and inability to handle "normal" tasks. This easily could have been the case in Takahama.

My elderly friends sister in law lived alone and although had a slight mental disability worked in a sheltered workshop situation and was fully independent. I met her once and she appeared as a nice middle-aged lady.

My friend got a call one day from her supervisor saying she was beginning to smell badly and could she check in on her.

Much to her surprise the Genkan was covered deep in feces.

Apparently the toilet was blocked so she began defecating in the Genkan. This had been going on for weeks.

She was unable to comprehend the enormous reality of the situation - while at the same time operating as normal to her outside world.

The article's case could quite easily be like this.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Super Bowl Monday See in context

NFL fans need to tune into more AFL games if they want to watch the best football.

Run more, jump more, kick more (tons more) pass more, bump/tackle more and do it over 4 quarters for a play time of 2 hours or more.

And with all of that physicality most players run between 12 - 16kms per game on fields 3 times the area of an American football field.

The Tokyo American Club need to get set up for the AFL final in September where 100,000 people.

I'm sure it'd bring some joy to the patrons.

And btw - I don't mind checking out some of the NFL games just to see what the others are doing.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Richard Gere calls Trump 'bully' and 'thug' at Spain's top film awards See in context

tamanegi -

I'd suggest the main reasons for the booing were simply she's a Chiefs fan with a champion Chiefs player boyfriend and in fact the Chiefs team was booed by the pretty raucous heavily Green crowd.

And the same crowd probably cheered for Trump as he was a guest of honour in the Greens leaning Benson box and he saluted like a kind of military guy.

And Richard Gere has every right to express his opinions publicly about his beliefs. His comments re dark marriage of power and money were right on target.

It's always existed - but now the colossal amount of money/influence in directing ordinary people's lives has created a swamp of unfathomable depth.

Unless people - like Gere and others with a voice - express alternative views (not alt. facts), then the drownings in the muddied waters will increase.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump says he is committed to owning Gaza, but could let Middle East states help rebuild See in context

The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment. It was not immediately possible to contact officials in Cairo and Riyadh.

Tee, Hee - too busy running behind trying to mop up the spilt milk.

Not all, but many of Trump's underlings must cringe at times when he speaks off the cuff.


8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Sakai knives a cut above for foreign visitors to Japan See in context

Azzprin -

there are some short documentaries out there explaining the processes.

Youtube or NHK world I think.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

dbsaiya - point re drinking too much - she claims she was drugged.

Others have reported similar suspicions.

And re the Academy Awards.

Japan loves to see it's artists/creators represented on the world stage.

The recent "Drive my car" and a while back "Departures" were fanatically celebrated here for their Oscar wins - as they should have been - excellent movies.

And all of the accolades on Ghibli anime were deserved and celebrated.

So this time round - with an Academy award nomination for Black Box Diaries - the silence is deafening.

Regardless of whether it's shown here or not - the media should have picked up the story in a Big Way - both the movie itself and the fame it's enjoying overseas. That would not have compromised any so called "legal" questions.

But no.

Can only be too pressured or too scared to act. Who has that power?

A real shame all round.

12 ( +23 / -11 )

Posted in: How to cook the perfect boiled egg, according to science See in context

Place eggs in a pot of cold (not refigerated) water.

Lid on, gently bring to the boil.

The instant hte water boils, turn off heat and move the pot aside.

Leave the eggs to cool down naturally in the pot.

Result = perfect boiled eggs with minimum of trouble.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall See in context

For many in the science field the term climate change has been used for decades.

It was often explained years ago that climate change is being brought about by a statistically observable rise in temperatures ie global warming.

Media in particular latched onto that latter expression - as did others - as I guess it carries a more sensational feel to wrack hte audience with.

Terms often change. In English Tsunami were always erroneously referred to as "Tidal Waves".

Scientists used the expression from ages ago to explain tide activities esp in shallow water. But somewhere along the line it was picked up to explain an earthquake induced wave.

That's why Tsunami is now generally used to avoid confusion.

That's why Climate Change is now generally used to avoid confusion.

And re Snow in Summer - it snowed on my friends property in Australia a couple of years ago in December. He lives near Canberra. The snow was widespread incl parts of NSW, Victoria and Tasmania.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Democrats ask for investigation into DOGE's access to Treasury's payment systems See in context

First direct deaths recorded from Trump's initiatives.

Feb 7 (Reuters) - A Burmese refugee with lung problems died after she was discharged from a U.S.-funded hospital on the Myanmar-Thai border that was ordered to close as a result of U.S. President Donald Trump's freeze on foreign aid, her family said.

Pe Kha Lau, 71, died on Sunday after becoming short of breath four days after she was sent home from a healthcare facility funded by the U.S. through the International Rescue Committee.

The IRC closed and locked hospitals in several refugee camps in late January after receiving a “stop-work” order from the U.S. State Department, according to residents and aid workers.

An IRC spokesperson told Reuters: "To hear of this loss of life is devastating and we offer our condolences to the family and friends of Pe Kha Lau."

The U.S. embassy in Bangkok did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Australian team wrangles 102 venomous snakes from backyard See in context

Quite a nest 'o lil' vipers there!!!

My older brother and I used to catch snakes as kids when summer holidaying at grandparents in the countryside.

Red bellied black snakes were among them and as I recall they were fairly quiet.

One time when bringing a shoe box of little ones back to the city on a long haul bus, a couple escaped in the bus but we never told anyone.

Not quite "snakes on a plane" - but close to it for 11 / 12 year olds.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump tells prayer breakfast he wants to root out 'anti-Christian bias' and urges 'bring God back' See in context

Just watched the prayer meeting.

Lashings of syrup on that one.

And they gobbled it up - licking the plate clean.

The classic lines for me were -

Deep in the soul of every patriot is the knowledge that God has a special plan and a glorious mission for America. And that plan is going to happen. It’s going to happen. I hope it happens sooner rather than later. It’s going to happen. 

Like wow - now we have Nationalist Pastor Don. Creating the perfect Them and Us. And we know whose side God is on don't we!!!

Or the Number 1 ramble -

 .....But that event, like the tragedy last week, should remind us all that we have to make the most out of every single day that we have. Who would think that you’re in space and two things collide? The odds of that happening are so small, even without proper control. 

We should have had the proper control. We should have had better equipment. We don’t. We have obsolete equipment. They were understaffed, for whatever reason. I guess the helicopter was high, and we’ll find out exactly what happened. But the odds, even if you had nothing — if you had nobody, the odds of that happening are extremely small. 

    It’s like, did you ever see — you go to a driving range in golf and you’re hitting balls, hundreds of balls, thousands of hours. I never see a ball hit another ball. Balls going up all over the place. You never see them hit.....

Prayer meeting?

Keep it up Donny - stock up the fridge with kool-aid.

Rightfully so, a number of prominent Christians have spoken out against these mutterings.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump aides defend Gaza takeover proposal but walk back some elements See in context

Loved the optics of the announcement.

Trump in his normal "off the cuff" blabbering, with Bibi on the squirm esp when Trump was raving about the destruction. Pure theatre,

And if anyone wanted more laughs, just watch Fox news stories on this. Fawning couldn't get any better.

Trump's 1st 2 weeks have been a mish-mash of "I am strong-man" tactics with a chaotic crash, bash, dash, cut and slice approach to everything resulting in something akin to a "Laurel & Hardy" skit.

We laughed at those comedies because they were not real - but we're laughing at the Trump show because it is real - lol.

And sadly it's real for millions of Palestinians.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese court upholds conviction of American who helped former Nissan chief hide income See in context

A deceptive scheme from the start with Nissan in cahoots with the police and certain govt officials.

Ghosn and Kelly were both lured to immediately come to Japan under false pretenses then snared in the trap that was set.

What a way for A Global democratic industrial company to operate.

Simply should have been in house board of directors etc meetings and both cut if found to be at fault.

But no - play the Big Hand hoping to garner a swift victory which never happened and years later the debacle continues.

The court ruling is Judicial Compliance to a T. Don't disrupt Inc.

Kelly still faces a civil lawsuit filed by Nissan, alleging 4 billion yen in damages.

Nissan's damages were all self inflicted having shot themselves in the foot.

Nissan has besmirched and smeared it's own name globally.

It's losses are it's own.

-4 ( +19 / -23 )

Posted in: 'Riviera of the Middle East' — Trump says he wants U.S. to take charge of Gaza Strip and redevelop it See in context

So the long anticipated wait for the answer is over.

Trump's previous "I'll fix this problem right away" bluster of a statement now has come about and with all of the intricate details explained.

"Move 'em out".

Simpleton was never so simple.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Posted in: Chelsea forward Sam Kerr allegedly called police officer 'stupid and white,' jury hears See in context

Fighto -

...comes from a notorious crime family...

I know her brother - a famous AFL player - certainly did some bad stuff, getting mixed up with drugs and all and I think he tried to burn down the family home.

I know his father was also a well known footballer.

But what was the rest of the family involved with?

Not up with that kind of Australian news.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Democrats push back after Musk says Trump agrees to close USAID and workers are kept out See in context

*And they show the extraordinary power of Musk and his *Department of Government Efficiency 

Couldn't get a more 1984 Orwellian name if you tried - DOGE - is that DOGGY?

The richest man in the world, unelected, carrying out goon attacks.

No understanding of the realities of world aid, privacy, rights et al.

Just break down those doors.

Of course take a hard look at agencies and determine what cuts, reforms could be made.

But this is classic  Night of the Long Knives  (Nacht der langen Messe)

Hitler used the purge to attack or eliminate critics of his new regime.

That's why the Mercy Sermon went over Trump's head.

He thinks Mercy is a river near his golf course in Scotland.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump agrees to pause tariffs on Mexico, Canada after they pledge to boost border enforcement See in context

Trump's Bully Bluff was called and he asked for "Time -Out".

He never expected Canada & Mexico to rally like they did - esp the citizens.

He thought he was playing "Snap" when in reality he was playing Poker and got called.

He was looking down a long, long barrel and US Industry Inc were not happy.

Pressure must have been heavy from them.

And now he's trying to make it an anti-drug game.

“Read the executive order where President Trump was absolutely, 100% clear that this is not a trade war,” Hassett said. “This is a drug war."


All along he's been blurting in the main about how unfair the trade balance is and they owe us billions.

Never really did his homework on what constitutes trade between friendly countries.

All bluster and he was challenged.

Now the laughs continue as he tries to paint this as a win.

Keep on Chuckling.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump fills his government with billionaires after running on a working-class message See in context

Drain that Swamp Donny Boy.

Fill it up with Plutocrats.

Then watch all that moolah trickle down to the Plebian class.

Funnier day by day.

Barnum and Bailey had nothing on these guys.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Canada, Mexico announce tariffs on U.S. in retaliation for Trump's tariffs See in context

Trump's come down quite a bit re tariffs on China.

Campaigning to the masses time, saw 60% often blurted.

Then it was 50%.

Then it was a universal 25%

And then it became 10%.

Why the decrease when Trump has accused China of being responsible for huge trade imbalances to the tune of $100s billions deficit for the US? (funnily enough the highest deficit in decades was in Trump's mid-1st term and then fell after)

So only 10% on the Big Baddie after all of the huffing and puffing seems like a reality check to the bluster..

But I guess a majority of his supporters will have forgotten all of this.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Posted in: Data from the deadliest U.S. air accident in a generation show conflicting altitude readings See in context

...and blamed diversity initiatives for undermining air safety,....

What sort of leader would pronounce such when bodies are still being recovered?

Fodder for the devotees.

Truthfulness has never been counted among the political virtues, and lies have always been regarded as justifiable tools in political dealings.... Hannah Arendt

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Net population influx into Tokyo recovers to pre-pandemic level See in context

As Guru indicated - the unfortunate end result of cramming not so far away from 40,000,000 people into Greater Tokyo will be a catastrophe of monstrous proportions.

That the largest megalopolis in the world continues to develop and expand, all while existing in arguably the worlds highest severe earthquake zone is mystifying.

Located near the junction of the Pacific and Philippine Sea plates, which are being pushed under the Eurasian plate guarantees The Biggie will come - again - as it has historically done many times in the past.

It's down and dark to talk about, when we should be celebrating the merits of this ginormous city, but the stark reality is there, supported by science and history.

No thanks.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Do you keep photos of your relatives who have passed away, those still living, including your children, as well as memorable family events such as weddings, birthdays, etc, on your mantle or in albums at home, or are all your photos just online? See in context

Lots of photos around the house.

Kids when they were kids, Parents, Grandparents and even Great Grand father.

And of us (wife and I) Wedding photo, travel pics from years ago, some friends pics and an assortment of others.

Visitors local and OS but esp local, never fail to say oohh, aahh and who's that, when was that, where was that and my favourite - わかいいいいい! Wakaii!!!

No ancestor worshipping - just a bit of history.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: New sumo grand master vows best behavior after promotion See in context

As Asia man stated - what on earth has highlighting "I will not tarnish sumo" to do with his success.

He is his own man.

Asashoryu was his own man.

I hope there is no paparazzi style media focus on his life - day in and day out.

That'd be the pits.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan #MeToo survivor says media failing to report sexual assault cases properly See in context

That Shiori Ito's documentary "Black Box Diaries" has not been shown here is nothing short of a farce.

Any Japanese movie that has achieved such recognition in the global cinema world, attracting many nominations and wins for top awards, would normally be fawned over in Japan as an example of Japanese exemplary talent.

But no.



The Pull and Power of those in the pointy end of the pyramid to crush any disturbance to the Wa.

And ex prime minister Abe's close relationship to rapist Yamaguchi just couldn't be allowed to be shown publicly, so it's been foot on the throat.

Shame on the Media. Shame on Movie Distribution Inc. Shame on Politicians and shame on the Movie Houses.

Hoping the corrupt and debauched acts and going ons in Entertainment Inc incl Johnnies & Nakai, creates enough public interest in the Black Box Diaries to demand it's showing.

Anything less is a crime.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Posted in: What are tariffs and how do they work? See in context

The US had it's big day in the sun when it expanded globally with major companies in every country - almost - and it's commercial/trade influence impacted the world.

Now that others are growing up they don't like it.

It's so nasty! It's so unfair!

Love to see US try to go full isolationist and attempt to do it alone.

And bring back all of those companies from GM to Coke.

Make America Great Again - tee, hee!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Fast-moving fires torch national parks in southeast Australia See in context

John-san - thanks for your reply.

Your stats re the Grampian fires of 2 weeks ago need adjusting.

Dream time is an integral part of Aboriginal life/faith/culture and is to be admired.

But it is not a scientific based collection.

Some scientists actually believe ancient Aboriginal tribes may well have been responsible for changing the landscape of Australia by out of control burning. There's no actual proof though.

What does exist are sedimentary and other geological records that show Australia has "been burnt out" so to speak any number of times over the millennia.

Australia 10,000s of years ago was far more wooded than now, but fire forever changed the landscape and even influenced regional weather patterns.

It's beyond belief that a limited number of Aboriginal people could have stopped blazes destroying millions of square kilometers.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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