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quote of the day

There is no change in our policy to proceed with the abolition of health insurance cards as scheduled.


Japanese digital minister Masaaki Taira, reiterating that the government will stop issuing new health insurance cards on Dec 2 as planned in a move to integrate them into My Number electronic personal identification cards, despite public distrust in problem-prone My Number cards.

© Jiji Press

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This is such a clown show. A clinic I sometimes go to has said we need to start registering our cards as their future use will come into effect soon. So, I've registered mine, but since there was a problem with the card reader I was required to go to City Hall, wait an hour, reinput my password, wait longer, then go back to the clinic another day to register it. And of course... other problems. So, now I have to carry THREE cards instead of one -- the health insurance card, my MyNumber card, and a card they can use if the card reader is not functioning properly. I can just imagine the hard time elderly people are having and will have going further into this, not to mention the leaking of personal info that always happens here, and then some. At my City Hall they already messed up bigtime by giving everyone the wrong passwords, inviting access to the next person's number and details (they forgot to select "complete" on some people's info when finished and then starting inputting the next person's info into the previous person's file, or something like that), and caused hundreds of people to require new cards and start everything again, cancel any links to their previous MyNumber, etc.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

I can see it happening: "patient having suspected cardiac episode dies in reception area while staff try to process his supposedly-integrated MyNumber card which won't go through because the helpline (to which you have to send a fax to announce that you are going to call it) is too busy fielding calls from ten other clinics and hospitals for the same reason, and is only staffed by a new hire who has been told to answer every comment with 大変申し訳ございません".

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

so called my number card is a DISASTER but yes-LDP crooks will never learn from own mistakes...


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

No problems with My Number so far. Using it at the hospital to check in takes less than one minute to scan the card.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

LOL at the drama queen reactions among the foreigner population of Japan to getting rid of the paper insurance card that can easily be damaged, has no way of showing the true identity of the carrier unless there is a photo attached, and wasn't even basically durable unlike many other countries that had plastic health insurance cards about 5 decades ago.

Good for the J Govt to not compromise on integrating the health insurance card with My Number. This is nothing controversial in the real sense of the word - first world countries have had comprehensive medical databases that can be accessed by medical professionals and vetted administrative staff for decades through health insurance cards that carry relevant info.

Some of the older population in Japan are opposed to the upgrade but given the amount of information they have given to city hall compulsorily for years which has been shared at levels of govt above city hall, it really is a faux controversy. The use of multiple numbers for different services has also been unnecessary and again, all the cries of 'But they weren't integrated into one' misses the point that all these different identifying numbers for health, pension, tax, etc already had them on record.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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