Japan Today

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

As we will mark the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings, at least lawmakers from the ruling bloc should be sent to the meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

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Yoshihiko Noda, president of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, criticizing the ruling Liberal Democratic Party for refusing to send representatives to the meeting in the U.S. in March. Read

Quote of the Day

The environment surrounding books is changing in the internet age, so bookstores should come up with ways to change themselves, too.


Senshu University Prof Yashio Uemura, an expert on the publishing field, suggesting bookstores do more to ensure they stay around. Across Japan, bookstores have been closing their doors in recent years. Read

Quote of the Day

The spread over the past two to three years has been beyond our imagination. I am truly sorry that the cards are no longer available to those who want to play the card game.

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Keita Hirobe, an executive officer in charge of the card business at The Pokemon Company. The Pokemon Card Game started 30 years ago and is now riding an extended wave of popularity with more than 64.8 billion Pokemon cards printed so far. Read

Quote of the Day

Expenses are rising much faster than the increase in revenue. If nothing is done, our country’s hospital system will collapse.


Takao Aizawa, president of the Japan Hospital Association. Hospitals are facing serious financial difficulties as rising costs of goods and labor put increasing strain on their operations. A report released on Jan 31 by the Welfare and Medical Service Agency showed that half of all general hospitals in Japan were… Read

Quote of the Day

It is vital for pet owners and neighbors to properly share information and work together to create a harmonious coexistence between people and pets.


Torai Handa, an attorney on the Tokyo Bar Association's Special Committee on Pollution and Environmental Matters, explaining that barking can sometimes be classified as noise pollution under Japanese law. There have been court rulings requiring pet owners to prevent excessive barking and ensure their dogs are properly trained. Read

Quote of the Day

We comprehensively judged store locations and their business conditions as factors.


A Starbucks Coffee Japan spokesperson. Starbucks has announced it will introduce location-based pricing starting on Feb 15. Of the chain’s roughly 2,000 stores nationwide, about 600 — mainly in airports and Tokyo’s 23 wards — will raise prices. Read

Quote of the Day

Inside buildings, there are some areas with high radiation levels where workers can be easily contaminated, but people can work safely if proper measures are taken.


Akira Ono, president of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineering Co, saying less experienced workers tend to feel concerns about radiation. He was commenting on the results of a survey by Tokyo Electric Power Co that revealed 40% of the workforce at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant worry about… Read

Quote of the Day

Employees of pet shops fear retaliation, such as being fired or having their wages cut. As a result, there is often insufficient evidence to prove mistreatment.


Satoru Kishimoto, an attorney and board member of the animal welfare nonprofit Animal Defense Team based in Itami, Hyogo Prefecture, explaining the lack of whistleblowing in the pet shop industry. Read

Quote of the Day

We'll provide an environment where Vietnamese people can work and play an active role safely and with peace of mind.


Mie Governor Katsuyuki Ichimi, after signing a memorandum with Vietnam's labor ministry and Hanoi University of Science and Technology on securing human resources to accept more Vietnamese workers in the prefecture. Read

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